First of all you want to download your theme which you want to upload in your WP website. Once you have downloaded your theme, it will be in zip format and you have two options to install it. You can unzip the file and upload the theme folder via FTP to your wp-content/themes folder on your site. This is located as follows:
Very simpler way to install a theme in your WP site is to upload it directly in zip format via your Dashboard. To do this, Go to “Appearance” > “Themes” > “Add New” > “Upload Theme”. Click the “Browse” button and locate the theme’s zip file on your computer, and then click “Install Now”.
Once it has successfully uploaded, you can either click the “Live Preview” link to see how it looks on your site, or you can click “Activate”, which will put it live on your site right away.
You can add as many themes in you WP sites as you like. Visit “Themes” and all your uploaded themes will be listed. From here you can activate any you like or view their details.